Wednesday, April 18, 2012

5 Ways of Making Performance Management More Inspiring

Performance management and inspiration might sound like a bit of an oxymoron, but I believe that making the process as fun and inspiring as possible is crucial, and will lead to effective performance management.  
In many workplaces, performance management has become an aspect of working life that is anticipated with dread and disdain. So, here are five ways to make the process more fun, more contemporary, and more productive.

Image: Biblio Archives
Simple Software
There are now excellent computer software packages designed to monitor and analyse performance management in simple, straightforward ways that are easy to use and interpret. Software such as Sonar6 allows you to set goals, plan career development, have more meaningful conversations and tracks your talent. The attractive look of the software also means that it won’t bore you to death.
Think Positive
It is a real shame that performance management has many employees donning their armour and drawing their shields. The best kind of performance management is that which, according to HR guru Helena Moore, leads people to ‘come out of it feeling more energised and positive.’
Be Nice!
Focusing on an individual’s achievements and skills is hugely beneficial, as they will come out of a meeting feeling that they are valued. If an employee particularly thrives in one area, then let that be their specialist area. Don’t try to squash people into boxes they simply don’t fit in to, as this will lead to a miserable working environment.
Integrate Social Media
Social media can offer a higher level of perspective on how staff are performing, and help them to see where their strengths lie as well as the areas where they might have missed the mark. Social media commenting can often be traced back to specific employees, making it a useful tool. Social feedback is currently more important than ever, and should not be ignored, as this is what potential customers and clients will refer to when they are deciding which company to go with.
Chats and Cuppas
Taking an employee aside for an appraisal when you have hardly spoken to them before is sure to make them feel nervous. Conversation and a fairly relaxed atmosphere with staff helps to encourage honesty and lower stress when it comes to appraisals and performance management. The other benefit is that if you know your staff then you will have a much better idea of what motivates them and what causes them to retreat. The key purpose of performance management is to make employees more effective, and if you know their personality type then this will be much easier.

Sophie McGovern writes for Vinehouse, an HR consultancy firm specialising in performance management. What is performance management? Sophie believes that it is all about encouraging staff to achieve their potential.

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A thin line between life and death

When we bring them to our home, we were very happy. They were tiny rabbits, probably both female, although I asked the vendor to give us the pair.  My 11 year old kid, Pravar More was very excited, ultimately he got friends with whom he can play, can touch and love. 

 I was happy for him as he got the company and was relaxed that he wouldn’t feel lonely, being single child. Rabbits were lovely, small, white, gradually mingled with us, and were given names. Now all of us were in their duty, my husband since morning started serving them. He tried several types of plants leaves, grasses, and vegetables and without failing providing us regular feedbacks about their likes and dislikes. 

Rabbits, were choosy, they loved to taste different types of food and were not adhered to one type of taste. If they were hungry, they come to us to have some food. They stood erect and whipped their mouth with both the forehands was so innocent that make us crazy.  
But the unfortunate day 17th April, 2012 reached. We started our day as usual. That day I came early from the office as we had to leave for Ujjain for some pending work. I put them into little basket, started journey by car. Everything went well. After completing our task we reached home in the night. 

Ah….trouble in expressing the next story in words. 

I got down, after my son from the car. He had Rabbit in his hand, His father instructed him to leave them for some time in the garden and stay there. He did. As others were following us, the door was opened. 

I went inside and not sure, why I called up my son, he entered into the room. Suddenly I heard creaching voice first time of the Rabbit. My heart throbbed out. I realized what blunder we did. We had left the poor rabbit in the garden. As we reached out the dogs had hold him in the jaws and rushed to door. My mother and I yelled. The dog left the Rabbit. I rushed to close the door, suddenly I saw 2 more dogs rushing after one anther towards rabbit. I couldn’t find place to save him, as both the dogs already reached to the rabbit and hold her brutally. My husband rushed listening our voice, he had beaten dog with the chair, placed in the garden, both the dogs ran leaving her. 

My husband brought him into the room, his hair was wet but no signs of blood. He put him on the floor, as the rabbit tried to walk, we found, he was dragging both the legs and stomach. . My son and I started crying. 

We thought he would survive and got ready to take him to the pet doc, but very soon, we discovered that he won't live. The rabbit had put his head down, rolled his eyes and started taking last breathe. We were left alone with the memories.

This is the second time, when I saw the creature meeting death. First was my own brother. 

I am dedicating my blog to him, with a feeling of guilt, please forgive us.
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Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Power of Owning your own Corporation

Finance From The Heavens

If you are the owner or CEO of a large corporation you are in a unique position to potentially become an angel investor. Angel financing describes predominantly individual investors who will place personal funds into a business as an investment, in return for an equity share or convertible debt in most instances. Although the term angel investor is used to describe individuals, there are growing trends for groups of investors and business to begin angel investing.
These methods have many favourable outcomes, as groups will often share different areas of expertise meaning they will have a greater pool of research and knowledge at their disposal, as well as the power of additional capital. This can greatly increase the prospects of both an investment into a business being successful as well as increasing the likely equity returns at the conclusion of the investment.
From a corporation point of view, such investments and angel financing initiatives can help to add value to both the investor business and the organisation or individual which has received the investment. Bringing an additional organisation into an umbrella group can have long term benefits all round.

Making The Most Of Angel Financing

Angel financing traditionally carries a very high risk factor, and with this in mind it is best to only look at prospective investments which are liable to carry a return of at least a factor of ten. The reason for seeking out such a high equity return is that there is potential for a lot of angel investments to end in a total loss, particularly when the funding has been placed into new start up businesses. The high returns yielded from successful investments means that those involved in angel financing remain profitable despite having a number of investments in businesses that have ultimately failed. With all of this balanced, angel investors can over time typically expect to achieve profits of between 20 and 30 per cent.


For a tenfold return it is recommended that angel investors look for a clearly defined exit strategy within a business which allows them to make these returns within a five year period. There is however a growing trend within angel financing for investors to seek much higher returns, such as at twenty or even thirty times the initial level of investment to further counter balance unsuccessful investments, as well as increase overall returns. These higher yield investments are usually over a longer period, generally up to ten years.
Angel financing includes individual investors who place personal funds into a business as an investment, in return for an equity share or convertible debt.

3 Things Your Business Can Learn from Justin Bieber

He has tween girls in a frenzy. His name is spoken by radio shows, TV shows and blogs across the globe. Boys want to be him and girls want to marry him. He is Justin Bieber, and he is America's latest heartthrob.
Justin Bieber was a YouTube sensation that has now turned into a media frenzy. And whether you love him or hate him, this 18-year-old boy can teach us a few things about business.

1. Make yourself known.

Bieber started playing music and singing when he was a toddler. He taught himself how to dance and how to play numerous instruments. He had a desire to perform, and with YouTube at his fingertips, he started making videos of his talents for the public to see.
And the public saw. And the public loved. And eventually, this young boy was taken under the wings of Usher and has generated millions of fans and record sales in a short amount of time.
Your company has to do the same thing. If you want to get more business, you have to make a name for yourself and get yourself out there. Create a marketing plan, and start flaunting your products and services. Once people know who you are and what you do, they will be more inclined to learn more about your products and services.
2. You have to reach your target audience.

Justin Bieber's main demographic is girls from 8-15 years of age. He knows this, and his marketing team knows this, and they both cater to this demographic through what he wears, how he acts, what he sings and what events he attends.
Your company needs to also have a firm grasp on your target audience, too. Knowing who is most likely to purchase your products and services will allow you to create marketing tactics that will appeal to these specific individuals. If you can place the right marketing in front of the right people, you will see a significant increase in your sales.
3. Interact with your audience.

Like most celebrities, Bieber has a Twitter account and he uses this as a way to interact with his fans. While he may not respond to every tweet he receives directly, he does tweet about things he enjoys or places that he'll be as well as letting his fans know how much he appreciates them.
Your company needs to also engage and interact with your customers. Create social media accounts as a way to become more personal with your customers and make sure to attend community events. Get to know your customers. See what interests them, and you can use it to tailor your marketing tactics effectively.
At such a young age, Justin Bieber has it all. He has the money, the charm, the talent, the good looks, and he knows how to market himself. Your company can learn a thing or two from him, and while you may not put teenage girls in a frenzy, you can still become more successful.
Alexandra Kelly is a school teacher and dedicated mother who loves to spend her free time writing for blogs. She never writes without the help of a grammar checker to proof her work and ensure it is mistake-free. She often forgets grammar rules and uses the software to help her when she cannot do it herself.

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Earthquake Rescue Tips

Earthquake is the natural phenomenal process happening down the Earth brings disaster when hits the human inhabitant place. The major cause behind it is when the layers down the earth slide over each other create pressure and result in sudden displacement of earth’s crust.
The higher the magnitude, the higher is the chances of loss of life and wealth. On 11th April, 8.6 magnitude of Earthquake struck off the coast of Indonesia and the Earthquake strucks were experienced in parts of India.
The alerts were released by the government and instructions were forwarded to the authorities to be prepared to face this tremor.  
But quick and necessary primary actions are always life saving and such cases the disaster management training is helpful. Several Country governments has made it an compulsory subject and introduced into syllabus.
Here are shared some useful tips:
1)      Wherever you are on the multi story building or on the terrace of your bungalow, try to reach in the open place.
2)      Don’t take shelter under big tree or under roof, these are not the safe place.
3)      Bent on knee if the Earth Shake is of high magnitude.
4)      Don’t try to run away and take position where you are standing as it will create a chaotic situation.
Latest in News: Earthquake Proof Table designed by Arthur Brutter and Ido Bruno (students at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem) is based on algorithm which can save life in rigorous earthquake struck.

Baby Afreen is no more

Brutality is blind; it doesn’t see the age and gender. Indian women are the prime victim to this.
Even Time doesn’t apply any remedy to her wounds and it is hard to sustain when her own family puts her into miserable conditions. Since birth, the Indian girl is discriminated in the family and after marriage she has been tortured for dowry by her in-laws.  She finds no home, although she is the major link to bridge two families.
The recent news of the death of Baby Afreen shocked the whole world, whosoever has read 12th April morning newspaper or watched the aired death news on TV.

 The 3 month old baby, Afreen was battered by her father, Umar Farook who was unhappy since her birth and was desired to have boy to inherit his family. She was hit on the wall, was burnt with cigarettes on the body.
Baby Afreen, passed away on Wednesday after suffering a cardiac arrest on 11thApril 2012.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

My Birthday wishes to you Dear friend

My Birthday wishes to you Dear friend

Source: dailyblogg

Parnika More
Offpage SEO Expert :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Explaining an unemployment period to your future employer

Life is not a cake, ready to eat. It unfolds several hidden treasures at every step. Some excites you and make happy and some bring lots of chaos in life.

A competitive world is always being demanding. There may time(s) when your employer is too hard with you and let you down for unimpressive work or you wouldn't feel comfortable to adjust in new job environment. Several such unfavorable reasons push you to quit the job and you feel panic for displaying unemployment gaps in your resume.

Need not to be worried, if you welcomed such erratic situation with positive energy. Tips mentioned in this blog will help you to add value during your unemployment period.

1) Engage this period to enhance your job related skills. There may be several things which you have experienced during your job carrer important for you but didnt get time to really work on. This is the perfect time to horn your skills to increase marketability.

2) Opt for parttime work. This could help you standing financially in your hard time, get you involved and more effectively will give you a plenty of time to hit the stone again. Connecting with people who can be benefited with your knowledge is always the best option in this case.

3) Volunteer Social Work will keep boosting your moral in adverse conditions, when you feel the worth of your life valuable for others.

4) Start writing: Everyone is a writer- doesn't matter Excellent or Worst. Explanatory or to the point narrator. Blogging is the way where you can share your knowledge world wide and can give expert assistance to the help seekers.

5) Try implementing your innovative idea during this period. This will give you a feeling of self satisfaction.

6) Start your own business: Entrepreneurship is the good virtue. Starting a business is always the good alternative where you can fully explore your gained experience and skillset to get the what you deserve. If you have your existing family business, you can put your time to give out better results.

Surely these tips will help you to encash the best during your unemployment period and vibes a positive energy to your future employer too.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hridayeshwar Singh Bhati got the design patent in his name for creating Six player circular chess game board

"I might have a disability but that doesn't make you better than me"- Attitude makes the difference.

The Disability doesn't created a wall for a 9-year-old boy Hridayeshwar Singh Bhati who proved that sky is the limit and anything could be achieved with strong determination. The 9-year-old wheelchair-bound boy has brought the laurels not only to his city Jaipur but made whole country proud. Hridayeshwar Singh Bhati, suffers from duchene muscular dystrophy, has invented a six player circular chess game and has got the game design patented in his name.

A very few people know what they are doing, you are among one of them. Hats off to your spirit.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Inducing Reading Habits in your child.

As Nutrients are required for the proper growth of the body similarly reading provides thoughts as nutrients for mind.
Being a mother I always emphasize and inspire my kid to Read book But it was just not to compete the world or to increase the knowledge base or to make him away from TV or Computer. There are several other reasons behind it and I am sure you might be agree to a few.

1. As said, "Reading broadens the mind", I feel it is one of the key reason to make a reading a regular habit.

2. It provides several alternatives to your sub cautious mind to tackle or behave in particular situation to overcome it.

3. It provides several ways to solve the typical one type of solution and thus increase the analytical capability of mind.

4. Helps in taking right decision on right time.

5. Unknowingly vocabulary enhancement.

Do you feel, there are still other major reasons behind it? please feel to share.

Also enjoy the read:

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