Thursday, April 12, 2012

Earthquake Rescue Tips

Earthquake is the natural phenomenal process happening down the Earth brings disaster when hits the human inhabitant place. The major cause behind it is when the layers down the earth slide over each other create pressure and result in sudden displacement of earth’s crust.
The higher the magnitude, the higher is the chances of loss of life and wealth. On 11th April, 8.6 magnitude of Earthquake struck off the coast of Indonesia and the Earthquake strucks were experienced in parts of India.
The alerts were released by the government and instructions were forwarded to the authorities to be prepared to face this tremor.  
But quick and necessary primary actions are always life saving and such cases the disaster management training is helpful. Several Country governments has made it an compulsory subject and introduced into syllabus.
Here are shared some useful tips:
1)      Wherever you are on the multi story building or on the terrace of your bungalow, try to reach in the open place.
2)      Don’t take shelter under big tree or under roof, these are not the safe place.
3)      Bent on knee if the Earth Shake is of high magnitude.
4)      Don’t try to run away and take position where you are standing as it will create a chaotic situation.
Latest in News: Earthquake Proof Table designed by Arthur Brutter and Ido Bruno (students at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem) is based on algorithm which can save life in rigorous earthquake struck.


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